
Volume 3, Issue 1

Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Green Industry in the year 2007

The Green Industry complex includes input suppliers; production firms such as nursery, greenhouse, and sod growers; wholesale distribution firms, including importers, brokers, re-wholesalers, transporters; horticultural service firms providing landscape and urban forestry services such as design, installation, and maintenance; and retail operations, including independent garden centers, florists, home improvement centers, and mass merchandisers or other chain stores.

There were 12,981 establishments listed under the MS Green Industry in 2007.  The total output impacts created by the Mississippi Green Industry in 2007 totaled $1.221 billion.  The total employment impacts of the Mississippi Green Industry totaled 15,197 workers with the production and manufacturing sectors employing 5.058 workers, horticulture services sector hiring 6,613 workers, and the trade sectors employing 3,525 workers.  The total labor income impacts generated by the Mississippi Green Industry in 2007 totaled $313 million. 

Source: Posadas, Benedict C. 2011. Baseline Economic Information of the Mississippi Green Industry in the Years 2009-2011. Working Paper. Mississippi State University, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Biloxi, Mississippi.