NOAA Sea Grant Launches Public Search to Highlight Program Impacts

We are pleased to debut our new web-based public search capabilities, showcasing nearly 4,000 impacts and accomplishment from Sea Grant programs and their collaborations with over 7,000 partners. The public search will highlight all Sea Grant program impacts and accomplishments since 2010 as well as all over 9,000 projects funded since 1993.

The public search capability is the culmination of a collaborative effort between NOAA Sea Grant staff, OAR IT, and the Sea Grant network.

The Project Search allows searching of all current and past Sea Grant projects and includes the project funding, investigator, institution, abstract, partners and any associated impacts and accomplishments.  The Impacts and Accomplishments Search showcases how the work completed by the programs has benefited Sea Grant communities, stakeholders and partners.  Impact and accomplishment statements include a brief summary of the work and results that can be directly attributed to that work, as well as associated projects and partners.   

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to

Please feel free to distribute this announcement widely.

Kathryn MacDonald
Communication Specialist/Program Coordinator
Contractor – NOAA National Sea Grant Office
2020 Company, LLC
An Acentia Company
Office: 301-734-1181
Cell: 727-470-3722

Sea Grant Impacts and Accomplishments (Beta)

The Sea Grant network enables NOAA and the nation to tap the best science, technology and expertise to balance human and environmental needs in coastal communities. Here you can search Sea Grant impacts and accomplishment to learn more about our work.