The primary mission of the Experimental Seafood Processing Laboratory, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University is to provide scientific and technical leadership and guidance to the seafood industry in the State of Mississippi. An integral part of this mission is to provide the technical support necessary for industry partners to maintain compliance with state and federal regulations. Multidisciplinary areas of research interest involve university, government and private industry on a statewide, national and international basis.
Research and Extenstion Programs
Research interests include but are not limited to:
- post harvest handling of finfish and shellfish
- physico-chemical quality
- microbial quality and safety
- product development
- development of underutilized species of finfish and shellfish
- utilization of traditional seafood processing by-product
- remediation of by-product waste
Extension activities include:
- Technical guidance in the form of workshops such as the AFDOS HACCP and Sanitation Programs.
- The expansion and development of industry driven post harvest handling techniques.
- Meeting environmental challenges involving processing waste.
- Providing technical assistance to industry partners in the area of new product development.
- Assisting industry in meeting state and federal regulatory requirements
For further information, contact: Dr. James Henderson